

Google Home

Google Home brings all of your compatible smart devices from different brands together to work in harmony. Automate your tasks and routines.

Google Nest

Google Nest ; 英文 · American home automation producer by google ; 西班牙文 · 尚未定義描述 ; 中文 · 美国智能家电厂商.

Nest Hub (2nd Gen)

Control your smart home. With just a tap – or your voice – control thousands of compatible smart devices from one central display.

Google Nest (smart speakers) | Google Wiki

Google Nest, previously named Google Home, is a line of smart speakers developed by Google under the Google Nest brand. The devices enable users to speak ... Google Home · Home Mini · Home Max · Home Hub / Nest Hub

Home Assistant

Awaken your home. Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Google Nest · Home Energy Management · Home Assistant Companion · Installation

Google Drive: Sign

Access Google Drive with a Google account (for personal use) or Google Workspace account (for business use). Google Analytics for Firebase · Sign-in · Sign in to continue to Forms · Sites Help

Google Home

Google Home是Google通過Google Nest品牌所推出的一系列智慧型音箱。這些裝置使使用者能夠通過語音命令與智慧型個人助理Google助理進行一系列互動,如播放音樂、收聽 ...

Google Nest (smart speakers)

Google Nest, previously named Google Home, is a line of smart speakers developed by Google under the Google Nest brand.

Google Home

Google Home是Google通過Google Nest品牌所推出的一系列智慧型音箱。這些裝置使使用者能夠通過語音命令與智慧型個人助理Google助理進行一系列互動,如播放音樂、收聽 ...